Burial Gowns For Baby – Beautiful Dress Set
Burial Gowns for Baby in other size options, see below.
Dress Information
This burial gown is available in two sizes- 2 lb and 4 lb. Beautiful cluny lace overlays across entire bodice and overlaps seem of the gathered waist. A white ribbon bow adorns the corner of the bodice with litter pearl. Long sleeves gather at the top around the straight bottom hem. Simple round neckline. Cluny lace also sewn around hem of the dress and around matching bonnet. Bonnet ties in front with long string and gathers at the crown.
Comes as a set: Dress, bonnet, bib, and blanket. Blanket can be kept with child or kept as a special keepsake- something your baby was wrapped in.
Cluny lace is a unique style of bobbin lace that is heavy plaited and connected without net or mesh. It is a guipure style of lace.
Made of 100% cotton.
Size: 2lb and 4lb
Preemie Collection – Burial Gowns For Baby
Find more size options. Burial set made for tiniest size, 2-5 lbs. If you have a preemie baby that doesn’t fit 4-5 lbs but you need a dress smaller than 3 month, below is a list of our dresses that offers Newborn sizes. Newborn size fits in between for 5-7 lb range. Of course, a wide range of baby sizes are found under the “Girls” tab as needed. Any dress in our boutique is appropriate for such an occasion.
Please Don’t Ever Tell Me
I’m going to tell you something
I hope you’ll never have to know.
I’ll tell you how a heart can break
And tears can constant flow.
I lost my baby girl you see,
An angel in my eyes
God chose to take her hand one day
And led her to the skies.
But please do not forget my child
She was a person too
And forever she will live
Inside of me and you.
So, please don’t ever tell me
That time will heal my pain
Because not even time
Can bring her back again.
Just tell me she is happy
In that land way up above
She’s snuggled in an angels wings
All wrapped in Mommy’s love.
Author Unknown